About #Project30
#Project30 is an initiative by Choose Water, a Montgomery, Alabama based non-profit, to give clean water to the entire country of Zambia, Africa by 2030.
Sure, the goal of clean water for a whole country sounds good, but how is it going to actually work?
Each #Project30 Rotary Club Impacts:
The Details
When a club joins with Choose Water on #Project30, the club raises money internally or externally to give life-saving water to a village. While the money is being raised, Choose Water hosts training and education programs in the village to reach the Sanitation and Hygiene targets. Then a well is drilled in the village. Each club will then receive a personalized “Thank-You” video from the village. The process is very simple. The impact is dramatic. One club gives water to an entire village, each District touches tens of thousands of lives and together Rotary and Choose Water give clean water, sanitation & hygiene, and development opportunities to an entire country through #Project30.
The beauty of #Project30 is that it isn’t an endless project that requires annual commitments. It’s simply a one-time donation that changes the world. There’s nothing else that you can give to that takes a single donation from you to solve the biggest problem for a whole country. It’s simple, but HUGE.
The video below is an actual “Thank-You” video for a village sponsor. Each #Project30 sponsor will also receive a personalized Thank-You video similar to this one.
Here's what you will get when you sponsor one or more villages through #Project30:
GPS Location
You’ll get the precise GPS location of the village(s) you sponsor. All the village GPS locations will be plotted into an interactive map for each #Project30 city.
Thank You Video
You’ll get a personalized Thank-You video from the village that received a well.
You’ll get a plaque with information and picture from the village your Club sponsors.
You’ll get 30 High Quality photos of life before clean water and life when the well is given to the sponsored village.
Your Club and any business partners that give to your village will be included in our Press Release and coverage.
Give Water, Give Life
Clean water changes life more completely than anything else can. #Project30 is an effort to give clean water to an entire country in a relatively short amount of time. You can be a part of this movement. Visit our “Contact” page to let us know you want to be a part. Thanks for helping us change the world!